Human Anatomy and Physiology I(Lec/Lab) (BIOL 208)

Term: 2018-2019 - SUMMER SESSION A


A study of the structure and function of the human body, including gross and micro-anatomy. Physiological principles at the organ system and organ levels are emphasized. Focus on integumentary, skeletal, muscular nervous, and endocrine systems. (Only one course in the 208-209 sequence will count for major or minor credit.) Prerequisite: Biol 120, Biol 150, Biol 216 or Chem 133. Offered: Fall

Human Anatomy and Physiology I(Lec/Lab) (BIOL 208)

Term: 2018-2019 - SUMMER SESSION A


A study of the structure and function of the human body, including gross and micro-anatomy. Physiological principles at the organ system and organ levels are emphasized. Focus on integumentary, skeletal, muscular nervous, and endocrine systems. (Only one course in the 208-209 sequence will count for major or minor credit.) Prerequisite: Biol 120, Biol 150, Biol 216 or Chem 133. Offered: Fall