The Room and Roommate Preferences portlet allows the Student to indicate their preference to have another student as a roommate, see another student's request for them as a preferred roommate and accept or deny that request. Students can also indicate a preference for the type of room in the residence hall, request a specific room and prioritize those requests.
There are no preferences available for this portlet.
These settings can be done by any one who has permission to the Can Admin operation. These settings and permissions will affect only this specific instance (copy) of this portlet.
Click the wrench ()
from the Roommate and Roommate Preferences
portlet and set the following option on the Settings tab:
In the Default Student Life Term drop-down menu, select the default Year and Term (Session) for which residence information for the student will be displayed. Note that this will only affect this instance of the Roommate and Roommate Preferences portlet. All other places where the Roommate and Roommate Preferences portlet appears will not use the same settings.
Click Save to save your changes and return to the Residence Info screen.
There are no security operations for this portlet.
In Preferences Choices, the student can select their Preferred Room Type and Roommate Preference Status. To set Preferences Choices:
Enter the Room & Roommate Preferences portlet
Click the Preferences Choices link to open the Preferences Choices window.
Use the Preferred Room Type drop-down list box to select the room type you would prefer.
Use the My Roommate Preference Status drop-down list box to select whether you are Available or Unavailable to be selected as a roommate preference.
In Room Preference, the student can select their room preferences, including building, room and what order the preferences should be in. To set Room Preference:
Enter the Room & Roommate Preferences portlet
Click the Room Preference link to open the Room Preferences window.
To Select a New Room Preference, choose the Campus and Building from the drop-down list box provided. The screen will refresh to populate the room preference drop-down list box.
When the screen has refreshed, choose the room you would prefer in the Select a Room down-down list box.
Click the Add Room button to save your preference. The room you have chosen will appear in the Your Current Room Preferences section at the bottom of the screen.
Continue selecting and adding
all the rooms you wish to add to your current room preference list. If
you wish to remove a room preference, click the Delete
icon () next to the room you wish to remove.
In Your Current Room Preferences, you can Reorder your room preference using the text boxes provided.
Once you have entered numbers in the order you prefer, click the Save Reorder button to save your preferred order.
To set Roommate Preference:
Enter the First Name and Last Name of the student you wish to add as your roommate preference. The student you select must have chosen to be available as a preference for the current Student Life Term in the Preferences Choices window. You may use the Advanced Name Search link to find the preferred student.
The person you select will be added to the Your Current Roommate Preferences section.
To remove a roommate preference,
click the Delete icon ()
next to the student's name in the Your
Current Roommate Preferences section.
If someone else has chosen you
as their roommate preference, their name will appear in the Accept
as Your Roommate Preference Someone Who Has Requested You
section. To approve them as one of your roommate
preferences, click the Accept
icon ().
Open the Room & Roommate Preferences portlet.
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the () icon.
A new browser window opens and displays the printer friendly version.
Click the Send to Printer button.
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