
Course Information

Psychology in the Workplace (BEHL 192)

Term: 2024-2025 - FALL


Christi Garner

Christi Garner LMFT, RYT, CCTP, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Trauma Informed Registered Yoga Teacher & Certified Clinical Trauma Professional 

Office Hours: by appointment Via Zoom 


Getting in touch: Email is best! Text if there is a time sensitive need. 

As a therapist and counselor for over 20 years, I specialize in trauma. Specifically first responders & Military, peer to peer community mental wellness, and women's recovery.

Somatic Psychology, Buddhist Psychology, and Marriage and Family Counseling are my foundations and I have spent decades in the trenches working with folks to live well, recover and thrive after trauma using nervous system fluency and mindfulness along with somatic and transpersonal holistic methods. 

I also run a consulting business where I teach Peer 2 Peer Holistic Emotional First Aid to companies and agencies all over the globe, I work with suicide prevention in military populations and as a local Mental Health Consultant in my area. 

During my free time I love being in nature, on a bike, paddle board, raft, or my own two feet. Taking photos is my self care, and I have lived from Hawaii to Alaska, spent time in 46 of the 48 lower US states and 13 countries as a military spouse and therapist. 



The business aspect of psychology, specifically how psychological theory and practice is applied in the workplace.