
Course Information

Cognitive Psychology (BEHL 310)

Term: 2023-2024 - SPRING


Christi Garner

Christi Garner LMFT, RYT, CCTP, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Trauma Informed Registered Yoga Teacher & Certified Clinical Trauma Professional 

Office Hours: by appointment Via Zoom 


Getting in touch: Email is best! Text if there is a time sensitive need. 

As a therapist and counselor for over 20 years, I specialize in trauma. Specifically first responders & Military, peer to peer community mental wellness, and women's recovery.

Somatic Psychology, Buddhist Psychology, and Marriage and Family Counseling are my foundations and I have spent decades in the trenches working with folks to live well, recover and thrive after trauma using nervous system fluency and mindfulness along with somatic and transpersonal holistic methods. 

I also run a consulting business where I teach Peer 2 Peer Holistic Emotional First Aid to companies and agencies all over the globe, I work with suicide prevention in military populations and as a local Mental Health Consultant in my area. 

During my free time I love being in nature, on a bike, paddle board, raft, or my own two feet. Taking photos is my self care, and I have lived from Hawaii to Alaska, spent time in 46 of the 48 lower US states and 13 countries as a military spouse and therapist. 



Scientific study of the mind and the role the senses play in how we interpret and perceive our surroundings. Topics covered include attention, learning, memory, perception, and executive function.