Invertebrate Zoology (Lec/Lab) (BIOL 304)

Term: 2022-2023 - FALL


Mon-Wed-Fri, 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM (8/22/2022 - 12/15/2022) Location: MAIN ORL 022


A study of biological diverstiy of invertebrate animals, focused on the evolution, ecology, and morphology of major phyla. Prerequiste: Biol 151 or Eesc 160. Offered: Fall, even years

Invertebrate Zoology (Lec/Lab) (BIOL 304)

Term: 2022-2023 - FALL


Mon-Wed-Fri, 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM (8/22/2022 - 12/15/2022) Location: MAIN ORL 022


A study of biological diverstiy of invertebrate animals, focused on the evolution, ecology, and morphology of major phyla. Prerequiste: Biol 151 or Eesc 160. Offered: Fall, even years