
Course Information

Servant/Transformational Leaders (LDRS 610)

Term: 2023-2024 - SUMMER


Kevin P Goodrich

The Rev. Dr. Kevin Goodrich, O.P.

Office Hours: Wednesdays: 9am-11am by email. Also, throughout the week by email and within the course site in the "Ask the Instructor"  forum.

About: I've been teaching for UJ for over a decade, a lot of that online, though I've taught at the Jamestown campus. I've lived across the United States as well as in Canada. I've been blessed to travel to many parts of the world. I'm a vowed friar in the Anglican Order of Preachers (aka "the Dominicans").

The Order has a teaching mission. A mission that focuses on the study of religion and spirituality but includes the study of the humanities, as well as the social and natural sciences. For fun, I enjoy a good laugh, good music, and getting outside for a good hike.  


Servant-Leadership as a leadership philosophy is relatively new, but as a concept of living is a
timeless notion. As Transformational Leaders we inspire our followers to be leaders and moral agents of social change in their culture. This course is an examination of the foundation,
principles, and practices of servant and transformational leadership. How these two leadership philosophies can work together to help bring social and moral change to the culture around us.