
Course Information

Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 202)

Term: 2024-2025 - SPRING


Tue-Thu, 9:35 AM - 10:50 AM (1/6/2025 - 5/4/2025) Location: MAIN US 134


This course serves as an introduction to the principles of macroeconomics analysis, which deals with the study of general economic aggregates such as total production, real income, employment, and the general price level in the economy as a whole. This course defines the relevent macroeconomic variables, examines their interrelationships, and analyzes the forces at work in the modern economy that determines the levels of these variables. The course also examines questions relating to government use of various policy instuments in attempts to achieve goals relating to full employment and price level stability. Recommended prior to enrollment: Math 106, Math 111 or higher level math course. Offered: Spring.