Welcome to the UJ IRB Portal

Hello and Welcome,

This is the new UJ IRB Portal.  This portal will allow for you to obtain and submit IRB forms electronically while maintaining an electronic record of the process.  We will be constantly upgrading this area over the next several months to provide guidance and assistance for any projects requiring IRB approval. Our hope is to make the IRB process as efficient as possible while providing the appropriate protection for both subjects and researchers involved.  Feedback on what you like and dislike about the site is always encouraged to allow us to improve this process. Please direct all questions and feedback to us at svoorhee@uj.edu.

To submit your IRB documents, you can not upload it into MyUJ, please email it directly to me: svoorhee@uj.edu

Thank you,

Sara Voorhees, PT, PhD

IRB Chair

Required Human Protection Training/Videos

Title Description

Select "Register"

Then select University of Jamestown as your organization affiliation.

Create a username and password. Save this information, as you will need it for renewal purposes.

Information on UJ IRB

streaming link to session: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/a1af575c-93cb-4e14-b673-bd30903bc714

(new link 10-2022)


This is the info presented at a Fall Faculty Workshop. It gives some history, and some background, so you can see there is a method to the madness of the IRB. It also goes through when IRB approval is required, as this is a common question. in short, its best to email me (Sara Voorhees, svoorhee@uj.edu) and double check, when in doubt. The IRB process is really designed for research projects and research studies, and is not intended to interfere with market surveys (usually anyway), journalism work, and that sort of thing. 


Handout is also attached. 

(.pdf, 250K)


Please submit IRB forms as individually as digitally signed PDF documents, to preserve digital signature information attached to original signature. Physical signatures and scanned forms will no longer be accepted after July 19th, 2018 secondary to changes in Congressional Regulations for the Institutional Review Board.


Sara Voorhees, PT, PhD

Institutional Review Board Chair.

updated July 2022. This universal form can be used for new or renewal applications, and it can be used for faculty, staff, or students. 

(.pdf, 1643K)

Policies and Procedures
